my sister is 10 years older than iam. the sum of our ages is 44. find our ages?

the sister is 27 and that other person is 17


My sister is 7 years older than I am. The sum of our ages is 49. Find our ages.

To find your ages, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information:

Let's assume your age is represented by "x," and your sister's age is represented by "y."

From the first piece of information, we know that your sister is 10 years older than you:
y = x + 10

From the second piece of information, we know that the sum of your ages is 44:
x + y = 44

Now, we can substitute the value of "y" from the first equation into the second equation to solve for "x":

x + (x + 10) = 44
2x + 10 = 44
2x = 44 - 10
2x = 34
x = 34/2
x = 17

By substituting the value of "x" back into the first equation, we can find your sister's age:

y = x + 10
y = 17 + 10
y = 27

Therefore, your age is 17 and your sister's age is 27.