Could someone please help me with this question?

What would be an example of a current event that refers to A belief in equal rights has often led to the belief in equality of opportunity?
Thanks for your help.

This is an excellent example.

Certainly! An example of a current event that refers to the belief in equal rights leading to the belief in equality of opportunity could be the ongoing protests for racial equality and social justice.

To find relevant information, you can start by searching for recent news articles or reports on racial equality or social justice issues. Newspapers, news websites, or reputable sources like BBC News, CNN, or The New York Times are good places to start.

You can use search terms like "racial equality protests," "social justice movements," or "equal rights and equality of opportunity" to narrow down your search. Look for events or incidents where people are advocating for equal rights and linking it to equal opportunities, such as addressing systemic racism, educational disparities, or employment discrimination.

By reading through the articles, you should be able to find specific examples that demonstrate how the belief in equal rights has led to the demand for equality of opportunity in areas like education, employment, or criminal justice.

Remember, it's important to critically evaluate the sources you come across and cross-reference information from multiple sources to get a well-rounded understanding of the current event you are researching.