How did the Trojan War affect people of its own time and our world today?

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Of course, the Trojan War was undoubtedly a myth. Many people in ancient times enjoyed hearing this myth as told by numerous authors and story-tellers.

One of its biggest effect in modern times has been the enjoyment of reading about Troy. Some of the terms, such as "Trojan Horse" have entered our language. Many archaeologists have worked at excavating this site. Turkey has benefitted economically from the millions of tourists who visit the supposed site of ancient Troy. When I was there, not only did I tour the site, but bought a T-shirt with an original picture from a local artist.

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The Trojan War, which took place around the 12th or 13th century BC, had significant effects on the people of its own time and has also left a lasting impact on our world today. Here's how:

1. Effects on People of its Own Time:
- Loss of Lives: The Trojan War caused immense loss of lives on both the Greek and Trojan sides, leading to grief and mourning among families and communities.
- Economy and Resources: The prolonged war had a detrimental effect on the Greek city-states, resulting in economic strain due to the resources and manpower required for the conflict.
- Cultural Impact: The war became the subject of various myths, legends, and epic poems. It became a part of ancient Greek storytelling and helped shape their cultural identity. Famous works like Homer's Iliad and Odyssey emerged from this period and exalted heroes and events from the war.

2. Effects on Our World Today:
- Literature and Art: The Trojan War continues to inspire countless literary works, plays, and artwork even in the modern era. It remains a prominent theme in literature, providing a rich source of storytelling and character development.
- Archaeology and Historical Understanding: Excavations at the ancient city of Troy, believed to be the site of the war, have immensely contributed to our understanding of the Bronze Age civilization and the historical accuracy of events surrounding the war. It helps us trace the development of ancient societies and their conflicts.
- Influence on Political and Military Strategies: The Trojan War serves as a historical reference for military and strategic studies. It highlights the importance of tactics, intelligence gathering, and the concept of a "Trojan Horse," which has become synonymous with deception.

To understand the specific impacts of the Trojan War on people of its own time and its lasting effects on our world today, I recommend delving deeper into historical texts, archaeological findings, and studying the literary works inspired by this epic conflict.