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To find the product of 3427 and 342, you need to multiply the two numbers together.

Step 1: Start by multiplying the units digit of 3427 (which is 7) by the 342.
7 multiplied by 342 equals 2394. Write down 4 and carry over the 9.

Step 2: Move to the next digit of 3427, which is 2. Multiply it by 342.
2 multiplied by 342 equals 684. Add the carried over 9 to get 693. Write down 3 and carry over the 6.

Step 3: Move to the next digit of 3427, which is 4. Multiply it by 342.
4 multiplied by 342 equals 1368. Add the carried over 6 to get 1374. Write down 7 and carry over 3.

Step 4: Move to the next digit of 3427, which is 3. Multiply it by 342.
3 multiplied by 342 equals 1026. Add the carried over 3 to get 1029. Write down 9.

Step 5: Finally, write down the carried over 1 from the previous step.

Step 6: Combine all the numbers you wrote down: 9, 7, 4, 3, 0, 2.

The product of 3427 and 342 is 9,743,024.