A block of mass M hangs from a uniform rope of length L and mass m . Find an expression for the tension in the rope as a function of the distance y measured vertically downward from the top of the rope.(with the answer)


To find the expression for the tension in the rope as a function of the distance y, we need to consider the forces acting on the system.

1. Gravity: The block has a weight Mg acting downwards.

2. Tension in the rope: The rope provides an upward force to counterbalance the weight of the block.

Let's analyze the forces acting on a small section of the rope of length dy, located at a distance y from the top.

1. Force due to gravity:
The weight of the section of rope is given by dm = (m/L) dy since the rope has mass m and length L.

The corresponding force due to the weight of this section of the rope is dFg = gm/L dy.

2. Tension force:
The tension force acting on the section of rope is T, directed upwards.

Since the section is assumed to be in equilibrium, the net force in the vertical direction must be zero. Therefore, the tension T must balance the weight dFg:

T - dFg = 0

T = dFg

T = gm/L dy

To find the overall tension in the rope as a function of y, we integrate this expression from the top of the rope (y = 0) to the location y.

∫T(y) dy = ∫(gm/L) dy

T(y) = (gm/L) ∫dy

T(y) = (gm/L) y + C

So, the expression for the tension in the rope as a function of the distance y downwards from the top is:

T(y) = (gm/L) y + C

where C is an integration constant that represents the initial tension at the top of the rope.