A block of mass M hangs from a uniform rope of length L and mass m . Find an expression for the tension in the rope as a function of the distance y measured vertically downward from the top of the rope.(with the answer)

To find the expression for the tension in the rope as a function of the distance y, we need to consider the forces acting on the rope.

Let's start by drawing a free-body diagram of the forces acting on a small element of the rope at a distance y downward from the top of the rope.

1. Weight of the rope element:
The weight of the rope element is proportional to its mass. Since the rope has a uniform mass per unit length, we can express the mass of the rope element (dm) as:

dm = (m / L) dy

where m is the total mass of the rope and L is its length.

The weight of the rope element is given by:

dFg = dm * g

where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

2. Tension in the rope:

At any point along the rope, there is tension acting in both directions, upwards and downwards. Let's denote the tension in the upper part of the rope as T1 and the tension in the lower part as T2.

Considering the forces acting on the rope element, we have:

T2 - T1 = dFg

Substituting the expressions for dFg and dm, we get:

T2 - T1 = (m / L) dy * g

Now, let's express T1 as a function of y:

The tension T1 can be considered as the tension in the rope at the top (when y = 0) plus the weight of the rope element dm:

T1 = T_top + ∫(0 to y) dm * g

T1 = T_top + ∫(0 to y) (m / L) dy * g

T1 = T_top + (m / L) * g * y

Finally, we can express T2 (the tension in the lower part of the rope) as a function of y by substituting the expression for T1 into the equation:

T2 = T_top + (m / L) * g * y + (m / L) * g * y

T2 = T_top + (2m / L) * g * y

Therefore, the expression for the tension in the rope as a function of the distance y measured vertically downward from the top of the rope is:

T(y) = T_top + (2m / L) * g * y

To find the expression for the tension in the rope as a function of the distance y, we can use the concept of equilibrium in the vertical direction.

Let's consider a small element of the rope of length dy, located at a height y from the top of the rope. The mass of this small element is dm = m/L * dy, as the mass is distributed uniformly along the length of the rope.

At this height, the tension in the rope at the top of the element is T, and at the bottom of the element, it is T + dT.

The weight of the small element is given by dW = dm * g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Since the element is at equilibrium, the sum of the forces in the vertical direction should be zero. Therefore, the tension at the top minus the tension at the bottom, i.e., (T) - (T + dT), must exactly balance the weight of the small element, i.e., dW.

Now, we can set up the equation:

(T) - (T + dT) = dW

Simplifying the equation:

-T - dT = dm * g

Since dm = m/L * dy:

-T - dT = (m/L * dy) * g

Let's now neglect the dT term (as it is very small compared to T), and rearrange the equation:

-T = (m/L * dy) * g

Multiplying through by -1:

T = - (m/L * dy) * g

Simplifying further:

T = -(mg/L) * dy

Now, we can rewrite the equation in terms of the distance y measured vertically downward from the top of the rope:

T(y) = -(mg/L) * y

The expression for the tension in the rope as a function of the distance y is given by:

T(y) = -(mg/L) * y