Describe the characteristics that a pyramid must have for it to have an axis of rotational symmetry.

It must be a right pyramid (i.e. not skewed). A vertical dropped from the vertex must fall into the middle of the base.

The base must possess rotational symmetry.
The order (n) of rotational symmetry of the base decides that of the pyramid.
A rectangle or a parallelogram will give a rotational symmetry of order 2. An equilateral triangular base gives n=3, etc.
Read the following article which gives a lot more insight on the subject:

Thank you MathMate for your help and the link.

To determine the characteristics that a pyramid must have for it to have an axis of rotational symmetry, we first need to understand what rotational symmetry means. An object has rotational symmetry if it can be rotated by certain angles and still appear the same. In the case of a pyramid, it means that if we rotate it around a specific axis, the pyramid will maintain its shape and appearance.

For a pyramid to have an axis of rotational symmetry, it must have the following characteristics:

1. A Regular Base: The base of the pyramid needs to be a regular polygon, meaning that all its sides and angles are equal. Common examples include a square or a regular triangle. Having a regular polygon as the base ensures that it appears the same after a rotation.

2. Symmetric Vertex: The apex or vertex of the pyramid should be directly above the center of the base. This ensures that the pyramid maintains its symmetry during the rotation. If the vertex is off-center, the pyramid will appear differently after each rotation.

3. Equal Lateral Faces: The triangular faces of the pyramid, excluding the base, should be congruent (i.e., identical) to each other. This preserves the symmetry during rotation. If the faces are not equal, the pyramid will look different after each rotation, indicating a lack of rotational symmetry.

By meeting these criteria, a pyramid can have an axis of rotational symmetry, and it will appear the same when rotated around that axis.