Which of the following statements is false?

A Childhood psychopathology is a relatively common occurrence.
B Most childhood problems and disorders remit by the end of childhood.
C Children today face greater stressors than they did in the past.
D Young children and adolescents are particularly at risk for psychological problems.

I believe the correct answer is B.

I agree.

which one of the following statements best describes the just world hypotheses

To determine the false statement among the given options, we need to go through each statement and evaluate its accuracy.

A. Childhood psychopathology is a relatively common occurrence.
To assess the accuracy of this statement, we need to consider data and research on the prevalence of childhood psychopathology. This requires referring to credible sources such as scientific studies, reputable psychological organizations, or published literature on the topic. By reviewing these sources, we can determine that childhood psychopathology is indeed a relatively common occurrence. Therefore, statement A is true.

B. Most childhood problems and disorders remit by the end of childhood.
To evaluate the accuracy of this statement, we need to understand the concept of remission in relation to childhood problems and disorders. Remission refers to the improvement or resolution of symptoms over time. To assess the validity of this statement, we need to consult reliable sources that provide information on the long-term prognosis of childhood problems and disorders. Studies have shown that while some childhood problems and disorders do remit by the end of childhood, not all of them do. Some conditions may persist into adolescence or adulthood. Therefore, statement B is false.

C. Children today face greater stressors than they did in the past.
To determine the veracity of this statement, we need to examine the contextual factors that contribute to children's stress levels in the past and present. This could involve comparing historical data, societal changes, or surveys on childhood stressors. By reviewing the available information, it is evident that children today do face greater stressors compared to the past. Factors such as academic pressure, social media, increased competitiveness, and changing family dynamics contribute to the elevated stress levels experienced by children today. Thus, statement C is true.

D. Young children and adolescents are particularly at risk for psychological problems.
To assess the accuracy of this statement, we need to analyze the vulnerability of young children and adolescents to psychological problems. Psychological problems can affect individuals across all age groups. However, this statement suggests that young children and adolescents are particularly at risk. Research repeatedly indicates that preadolescence and adolescence are periods when individuals may face unique psychological challenges, such as identity development, peer pressure, or hormonal changes. Therefore, statement D is true.

In summary, the false statement among the given options is B. Most childhood problems and disorders do not remit by the end of childhood, but might persist into adolescence or adulthood.