What is 100,000 as a power of 10?

Is this scientific notation or something else?

Look at this pattern

10 = 10^1
100 = 10^2
1000 = 10^3 , mmmhhh -- 3 zeros, exponent is 3....I wonder....

answer for connexus 1 x 10'5

To express 100,000 as a power of 10, we need to determine the exponent that represents the number of zeros in 100,000. In this case, there are five zeros in 100,000.

Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are very large or very small using powers of 10. It consists of two parts: a coefficient and an exponent. The coefficient is a number between 1 and 10, and the exponent is an integer that represents the power of 10.

In the case of 100,000, since there are five zeros, the coefficient will be 1, and the exponent will be 5. Therefore, 100,000 can be expressed as 1 x 10^5 in scientific notation.