According to deterrence theory, criminals are no different from law-abiding people. Criminals [economist Paul H. Rubin writes] "rationally maximize their own self-interest (utility) subject to constraints (prices, incomes) that they face in the marketplace and elsewhere." Individuals make their decisions based on the net costs and benefits of each alternative. Thus, deterrence theory provides a basis for analyzing how capital punishment should influence murder rates. Over the years, several studies have demonstrated a link between executions and decreases in murder rates. In fact, studies done in recent years, using sophisticated panel data methods, consistently demonstrate a strong link between executions and reduced murder incidents.

Is there any fallacies used in this passage name them ?

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There doesn't appear to be any fallacies in the passage you provided. The passage presents the argument that criminals, like any other individuals, make decisions based on self-interest and constraints they face. It goes on to explain that deterrence theory can be used to analyze how capital punishment may impact murder rates. The passage mentions that studies have shown a link between executions and decreases in murder rates, particularly when using sophisticated panel data methods.

It is important to note that while the passage presents findings from studies, it does not mention any specific fallacies. Fallacies refer to errors in reasoning or arguments that rely on faulty logic. Without specific statements or arguments in the passage that contain fallacies, it is difficult to identify any present.