maple,lilac,poplar,pine trees? or mushroom?

which one of this can grow in the dark

Which one doesn't perform photosynthesis?

Look up information about mushrooms.

Out of the options provided, mushroom is the one that can grow in the dark. Mushrooms are a type of fungi that thrive in low-light conditions and can grow in dark, damp environments such as forests, caves, or the forest floor where sunlight is limited.

To determine which one of these options can grow in the dark, you can apply some general knowledge about these plants. Maple, lilac, poplar, and pine trees are all types of woody plants that rely heavily on sunlight for photosynthesis, the process by which they convert sunlight into energy. They typically require a good amount of sunlight to grow and thrive. Therefore, it is unlikely for them to grow well or survive in complete darkness.

On the other hand, mushrooms are different from plants as they don't rely on photosynthesis. Instead, they obtain nutrients by breaking down organic matter, such as dead plant material, through a process called decomposition. Consequently, they can flourish in dark, moist environments where there is enough organic matter for them to feed on.

In summary, if you are looking for something that can grow in the dark, mushrooms are your best bet out of the options provided.