how can you tell rather the first vowel in a word has a long or short vowel and how do you divide them

To determine whether the first vowel in a word has a long or short sound, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the first vowel in the word.
2. Check if the vowel is followed by a consonant. If there is a consonant immediately after the vowel, it is likely to have a short sound.
3. Look for any vowel-consonant combinations immediately following the first vowel in the word. If there are multiple consonants immediately after the vowel, it is more likely to have a short sound.
4. If the first vowel is followed by a double consonant (like "ll", "ss", or "ff"), it is also more likely to have a short sound.
5. If there is a silent "e" at the end of the word, it usually makes the preceding vowel long.

To divide a word into syllables, you can follow these general guidelines:

1. Identify vowel sounds: Determine the number of vowel sounds in the word. Each vowel sound usually indicates a separate syllable.
2. Look for consonant-vowel combinations: If there are consonants immediately before or after a vowel, that vowel usually belongs to the following syllable. However, there are exceptions and inconsistencies in English, so consult a dictionary or style guide for specific words if you are unsure.
3. Consider word parts: If the word contains prefixes, suffixes, or root words, they may indicate where to divide the word. For example, in the word "unhappiness", the syllables would be divided as "un-hap-pi-ness".

Remember that these guidelines are not always foolproof, as pronunciation and syllable division can vary depending on regional dialects, accents, and specific words. A dictionary can serve as a helpful resource for determining both vowel sounds and syllable division for individual words.