i need vocab words for call of the wild


see the vocab word list for each chapter.

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Sure! Here are some vocabulary words that you may find in the novel "The Call of the Wild" by Jack London:

1. Primitive: a word to describe something that is original, basic, or existing from the earliest times.
To find more vocabulary words related to the theme of primitiveness, you can search for synonyms of "primitive" or related words like "raw", "ancient", or "undeveloped."

2. Instinct: an innate, natural behavior or instinctive response to stimuli.
To find more vocabulary words related to animal instincts, you can search for synonyms of "instinct" or related words like "nature", "drive", or "intuition."

3. Ferocious: showing extreme fierceness or aggression.
To find more vocabulary words related to aggression or ferocity, you can search for synonyms of "ferocious" or related words like "savage", "vicious", or "violent."

4. Adaptation: the process of adjusting to new conditions or environment.
To find more vocabulary words related to adaptation, you can search for synonyms of "adaptation" or related words like "adjustment", "evolution", or "acclimatization."

5. Wilderness: an uncultivated and uninhabited area, typically referring to a remote natural environment.
To find more vocabulary words related to wilderness or the natural environment, you can search for synonyms of "wilderness" or related words like "nature", "backcountry", or "untamed."

Remember, to find more vocabulary words, you can use a thesaurus or search online for related words or synonyms using the main words as a starting point.