1. In which one of the following sentences could you best use a semicolon?

A. If you ask me, Jerry is a tennis whiz. B. Lucille bought a new tennis racket and brought it home.
C. Jerry loves tennis he plays every day. D. When she is worried, Lucille eats a lot.

In which sentence do two complete thoughts run together without any punctuation or transition word?

To determine the sentence in which you could best use a semicolon, you need to identify two independent clauses that are closely related. An independent clause is a group of words that can stand alone as a sentence.

In the given options, only option C contains two independent clauses: "Jerry loves tennis" and "he plays every day". These two clauses are closely related and could be joined together using a semicolon. Therefore, the correct answer is option C: "Jerry loves tennis; he plays every day."