Pls, if you know the answer, help me!

Explain: At a time and by a time.....

with examples, and deffinition or explanation.

thank you


At a time means that something is happening at a specific time.

At a time when everyone is angry, I try to be calm.

Children, please take only one piece of candy at a time.

People who worry about the future should take one day at a time.

The phrase by a time is not widely used. We might say, though,

By the time you read this the sun will have set.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you understand the phrase "at a time" and "by a time" with examples and explanations.

The phrase "at a time" is used to indicate a specific moment or point during a period. It implies that something happens or is done singularly or sequentially at that particular time. For example, if someone says "I can only focus on one task at a time," it means they can only concentrate on or handle one task in a given moment. Another example is, "We can only admit a limited number of visitors at a time to ensure everyone's safety." This means that only a specific number of visitors are allowed to enter a place simultaneously.

On the other hand, the phrase "by a time" is used to depict the deadline or associated timeframe for accomplishing a specific action or achieving a certain goal. It suggests that the task should be completed or the goal should be reached before that designated time. For instance, if someone says, "Please finish your assignment by Thursday," it indicates that the assignment needs to be completed before Thursday. Or if a company states, "We aim to double our sales figures by the end of the year," it means they plan to achieve this goal before the year concludes.

In summary, "at a time" refers to something happening singularly or sequentially during a period, while "by a time" indicates an appointed deadline or timeframe that should be met. These phrases help us specify when an action occurs or when a task must be completed.