Write an explanation of the steps you use to convert a measurement in one unit to a measurement in another.

1) How many picometers are there in a kilometre?

Wow, actually had to look up what a picometre is.

Found that unless you are measuring diameters of atoms, you would never ever come across using that unit.

Unless I miscounted zeros
there would be 10^15 picometres in 1 km.

check this page

so 1 m = 10^12 pm
and there are 1000 m in 1 km,
1 km = 10^3 x 10^12 = 10^15 pm

how many picometers are there in a kilometre?

The answer is 10^-15
10^15? Thanks

10^15 is a huge number, so a whole bunch of things

10^-15 is a tiny, tiny, tiny number

Now wouldn't there be a whole bunch of those little tiny pm's in a km?


To convert a measurement from one unit to another, you can use a conversion factor. In this case, we will convert a measurement in kilometres to picometers.

Step 1: Determine the conversion factor.
To convert from kilometres to picometers, we need to find the number of picometers in one kilometre. The prefix 'kilo-' represents a factor of 1000, and 'pico-' represents a factor of 10^(-12). Therefore, the conversion factor is 10^15 picometers per kilometre.

Step 2: Set up the conversion equation.
Write down the given measurement (in this case, the number of kilometres) and the conversion factor in a conversion equation. Since we want to convert from kilometres to picometers, the conversion equation is:
Number of picometers = Number of kilometres x Conversion factor

Step 3: Plug in the values and compute.
Substitute the given number of kilometres into the equation and calculate the result. For example, if we have 1 kilometre, the equation becomes:
Number of picometers = 1 km x 10^15 pm/km

Step 4: Simplify the expression and calculate the final result.
Multiply the number of kilometres by the conversion factor and simplify the expression. In this case, the final result of 1 kilometre would be 10^15 picometers.

So, to answer your question, there are 10^15 picometers in 1 kilometre.