What are some non physical effects of marijuana use?

I've found lots of physical but I can't seem to find any non physical effects.

Can someone help me please.

Thanks very much.

Check these sites.





Certainly! While the physical effects of marijuana use, such as increased heart rate, bloodshot eyes, and dry mouth, are relatively well-known, there are also several non-physical effects that can occur.

1. Cognitive Effects: Marijuana can influence cognitive functions, including memory, attention, and decision-making. It can impair short-term memory and slow down reaction time.

2. Emotional Effects: Marijuana can have various impacts on mood and emotions. It may induce feelings of relaxation, euphoria, or increased sociability. However, it can also provoke anxiety, paranoia, or even hallucinations in some individuals, especially when consumed in high doses.

3. Mental Health Effects: While the causal relationship is still not fully understood, there is evidence that marijuana use can contribute to mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis, particularly in individuals with a predisposition to these conditions.

4. Impaired Driving and Coordination: Marijuana can affect coordination and motor skills, similar to alcohol. This impairment can increase the risk of accidents, especially when operating vehicles or heavy machinery.

To find more detailed information on non-physical effects, you can refer to scientific studies, medical journals, and reputable health websites. These sources can provide comprehensive information on the various non-physical effects of marijuana use, backed by research and studies conducted in this field.