Can someone check whether I put the effects into the right category?

Consequences of marijuana use.


rapid heartbeat

dry mouth and throat

bloodshot eyes

Reduced ability to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination such as driving a car

increase cancer rates

increase rates of respiratory problems and disease

damage the immune system

lead to a decreased ability to concentrate

lead to a decreased ability to learn and remember things

delay the onset of puberty in men

decrease sperm production in men

disrupt the menstrual cycle and inhibit discharge of eggs from the ovaries
Non physical:

loss of coordination or poor sense of balance

decreased reaction time

difficulty in listening or speaking

impaired or reduced short-term memory

impaired or reduced comprehension

impairments in learning and memory, perception, problem solving, and judgment

altered sense of time

paranoia and hallucinations

intense anxiety or panic attacks

psychological independence requiring more of the drug to get the same effect

Are they in the right category? If not, can you correct me.

thanks very much

Since the second category also stems from physical changes, might it not be better to label those symptoms as psychological rather than "Non physical"?

"Reduced ability to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination such as driving a car," "lead to a decreased ability to concentrate" and
"lead to a decreased ability to learn and remember things" would be more psychological.

"Decreased reaction time" means they react faster. Don't you mean increased reaction time?

"Requiring more of the drug to get the same effect" is tolerance, rather than what I assume you meant to type as "psychological dependence."

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

The above subject heading would be better than "Check!!"

Based on the list you provided, here's a breakdown of whether each effect is categorized correctly:

Physical effects:
- Rapid heartbeat: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Dry mouth and throat: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Bloodshot eyes: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Reduced ability to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination such as driving a car: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Increased cancer rates: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Increased rates of respiratory problems and disease: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Damage the immune system: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Lead to a decreased ability to concentrate: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Lead to a decreased ability to learn and remember things: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Delay the onset of puberty in men: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Decrease sperm production in men: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.
- Disrupt the menstrual cycle and inhibit discharge of eggs from the ovaries: Correctly categorized as a physical effect.

Non-physical effects:
- Loss of coordination or poor sense of balance: Correctly categorized as a non-physical effect.
- Decreased reaction time: Correctly categorized as a non-physical effect.
- Difficulty in listening or speaking: Correctly categorized as a non-physical effect.
- Impaired or reduced short-term memory: Correctly categorized as a non-physical effect.
- Impaired or reduced comprehension: Correctly categorized as a non-physical effect.
- Impairments in learning and memory, perception, problem solving, and judgment: Correctly categorized as a non-physical effect.
- Altered sense of time: Correctly categorized as a non-physical effect.
- Paranoia and hallucinations: Correctly categorized as a non-physical effect.
- Intense anxiety or panic attacks: Correctly categorized as a non-physical effect.
- Psychological dependence requiring more of the drug to get the same effect: Correctly categorized as a non-physical effect.

From the information provided, it seems like you have categorized the effects correctly into physical and non-physical categories. It's important to note that some effects may fall into both categories, as the distinction between physical and non-physical can sometimes be subjective. However, your categorization appears to be accurate based on the information provided.