A rectangular metal bar has a volume of 50.0 inches cubed.The Metal BaR weighs 1.42kg. Calculate the density of the metal in grams per cubic centimeter.

you need to

a)convert in^3 to cm^3
b)1.42 kg is 1420 g

then use density = mass /volume


To calculate the density of the metal in grams per cubic centimeter, we need to convert the volume from inches cubed to cubic centimeters and the weight from kilograms to grams.

1. Convert volume from inches cubed to cubic centimeters:
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 inch cubed = 2.54^3 = 16.3871 cubic centimeters (approximately)

Therefore, 50.0 inches cubed = 50.0 × 16.3871 = 819.355 cubic centimeters (approximately)

2. Convert weight from kilograms to grams:
1 kilogram = 1000 grams

Therefore, 1.42 kilograms = 1.42 × 1000 = 1420 grams

3. Calculate the density:
Density = mass / volume
Density = 1420 grams / 819.355 cubic centimeters
Density ≈ 1.734 grams per cubic centimeter (rounded to three decimal places)

Therefore, the density of the metal is approximately 1.734 grams per cubic centimeter.