With what minimum speed must you toss a 160 ball straight up to hit the 15 -high roof of the gymnasium if you release the ball 1.7 above the ground? Solve this problem using energy.

To solve this problem using energy, we can apply the principle of conservation of energy, which states that the total mechanical energy of a system is conserved.

We can break down the motion of the ball into two parts: the initial toss and the upward motion.

1. Initial Toss:
At the release point, the ball has both kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE). The potential energy can be expressed as mgh, where m is the mass of the ball, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the release point above the ground. The kinetic energy can be expressed as (1/2)mv^2, where v is the initial velocity of the ball.

2. Upward Motion:
As the ball moves up and reaches its maximum height, it momentarily comes to rest. At this point, its kinetic energy becomes zero, but it still has potential energy. The potential energy can be calculated as mgh', where h' is the maximum height of the ball above the ground.

Using the principle of conservation of energy, we can equate the initial potential energy with the maximum potential energy reached during the upward motion:

mgh = mgh'

Since we need to find the minimum speed required to hit the roof, we can set the maximum height equal to the height of the roof:

h' = 15 m

Substituting the given values, we can solve for the speed v:

160 * 9.8 * 1.7 = 160 * 9.8 * 15

After solving this equation, we can find the value of v, which represents the minimum speed you must toss the ball straight up to hit the roof of the gymnasium.

Is the mass of the ball in kg, grams or pounds or ounces? I assume your distances are in feet.

Actually, the mass doesn't matter in this case.
If you must raise the height of the ball a distance H, then its iniital kinetic energy must be M g H, the potential energy increase at the top of the trajectory. The M will cancel out

V^2 = 2 g H