I can be three different states of matter, but not at the same time. I am necessary for life, but I can also destroy life. I can be under your feet, around your body, or over your haed. What am I?


What is water?

Based on the information you provided, the three different states of matter and the various locations, the answer to the riddle is "Water."

Water can exist in three states of matter: solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (water vapor), but only one state can exist at any given time.

Water is necessary for life as it is a fundamental component of living organisms. It is essential for hydration, maintaining bodily functions, and facilitating various biological processes.

However, water can also be destructive. It has the potential to cause floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters that can lead to the destruction of life and property.

Water can also appear under your feet as groundwater, around your body as a liquid, and over your head as water vapor in the form of clouds, fog, or rain.