Could you please check my work, I am not too sure what do.

An airplane that flies at 100 km/h with a 10 km/h tailwind travels at 110 km/h relative to the ground. If it instead flies into a 10 km/h headwind, its groundspeed is :

110 km/h /2= 55 km/h

No. Traveling with the wind is 110 + wind speed.

Traveling against the wind is 110 - wind speed.



To check your work, we need to find the groundspeed of the airplane when flying into a 10 km/h headwind.

When the airplane flies with a 10 km/h tailwind, its airspeed is 100 km/h, and the tailwind adds an extra 10 km/h, resulting in a groundspeed of 110 km/h.

When the airplane flies into a headwind, the headwind subtracts its speed from the groundspeed. So, the groundspeed is calculated by subtracting the speed of the headwind (10 km/h) from the airspeed (100 km/h):

Groundspeed = Airspeed - Headwind
Groundspeed = 100 km/h - 10 km/h
Groundspeed = 90 km/h

Therefore, the correct groundspeed of the airplane when it flies into a 10 km/h headwind is 90 km/h.