You are looking for a scale for frequency. As in radio frequency, hearing frequency, freqency of events (statistical tables)? Please clarify.


You need to tell us what kind of table you want. What kind of test are you doing?

Of course! I can help you with finding a suitable scale for frequency tables. When it comes to determining the scale for a frequency table, there are a few factors to consider:

1. Range of values: Examine the range of values in your data set. Identify the minimum and maximum values to understand the overall range that needs to be represented on the frequency table.

2. Number of values: Determine the number of distinct values in your data set. This will impact the level of detail and granularity you can include in the frequency table.

3. Total frequency: Calculate the total frequency of your data set. This is the sum of all the frequencies or counts of each distinct value.

Once you have gathered this information, you can follow these steps to determine a suitable scale for your frequency table:

1. Determine the range of the scale: Start by deciding how many intervals or groups you want to create on the frequency table. A common approach is to have around 5 to 20 intervals to make the table visually appealing and informative.

2. Calculate the interval width: Divide the range of values by the number of intervals you decided upon. This will give you the width of each interval.

Interval width = (Maximum value - Minimum value) / Number of intervals

3. Determine the starting point: Decide where you want to start your first interval. It is usually recommended to start at a convenient value that includes the minimum value and is easy to work with.

4. Create intervals: Using the interval width and starting point, you can generate the intervals for your frequency table. You can either list the intervals explicitly or use symbols (<, >, ≤, ≥) to represent them.

5. Count frequencies: Count the number of values within each interval and record the frequency or count in the corresponding row of the frequency table.

Remember, the goal of choosing a suitable scale is to ensure that the frequency table provides a clear and informative overview of your data. Adjust the scale as needed to accurately represent the distribution of your values.

If you provide me with a sample set of data, I can walk you through the steps using an example.