In the following sentence select the compound predicate.

We could study coins, see jewels, or examine tools.

A. study,see
B. could study, examine
C could study,see, examine
D study, see, examine

Which of these is the correct answer. I think its D. I am not real good with these so could you tell me if you know a website to help me practice. Thank you.

You are almost right. You need to include the auxiliary (helping) verb along with the main verbs; therefore, C is correct.

that was my next choice. thank you

You're welcome!

The correct answer is D. In the sentence "We could study coins, see jewels, or examine tools," the compound predicate is "study, see, examine" because it consists of multiple verbs (study, see, examine) that share the same subject (We).

To practice identifying compound predicates and other grammatical concepts, one helpful website is Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). They provide comprehensive guides and interactive exercises to improve grammar skills. You can access their website at