Could someone please explain to me why the line x=4 is a vertical line.

Thank you.

Because x has to be 4 while y can be anything. A vertical line through (4,0)contains all points for which x=4.

Pick any two ordered pairs that satisfy the equation, remember all it said was x = 4

how about (4,0) and (4,5) ? Do they satisfy our condition that x = 4 ?

Plot the points and draw the line.

Mmmmhhh ?

Of course! I would be happy to explain why the line x=4 is a vertical line.

In coordinate geometry, a vertical line is one that goes straight up and down. This means that for every value of y, the x-coordinate remains the same.

Now, let's look at the equation x=4. This equation tells us that the x-coordinate is always equal to 4, regardless of the value of y.

To understand why this is a vertical line, we can plot a few points. If we choose any y-value, the x-coordinate will always be 4. For example, if we choose y=2, the point would be (4,2). If we choose y=-3, the point would be (4,-3). No matter what y-value we pick, the x-coordinate remains the same at 4.

By connecting these points, we can see that all the points lie on a straight line that is vertical. It extends infinitely upwards and downwards.

So, in summary, the equation x=4 represents a vertical line because the x-coordinate remains constant at 4 for all values of y.