what are some active and passive voice verb example sentences

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Gaiiiiii ha

Sure! Here are some examples of sentences in both active and passive voice:

Active Voice:
1. John eats an apple.
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject "John" performs the action "eats" on the object "an apple."

2. She painted a beautiful picture.
Explanation: Here, the subject "She" carries out the action "painted" on the object "a beautiful picture."

3. The dog chased the cat.
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject "The dog" performs the action "chased" on the object "the cat."

Passive Voice:
1. An apple was eaten by John.
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject "An apple" receives the action "was eaten" caused by the agent "John", but the subject is not actively performing the action.

2. A beautiful picture was painted by her.
Explanation: Here, the subject "A beautiful picture" undergoes the action "was painted" caused by the agent "her."

3. The cat was chased by the dog.
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject "The cat" experiences the action "was chased" caused by the agent "the dog."

To identify whether a sentence is in active or passive voice, you can ask:
- Who or what is performing the action? (Active voice)
- What or who is receiving the action? (Passive voice)

Using this approach, you can determine the voice of a verb in a sentence.