The acceleration of a certain rocket is given by a(t)=bt where b is positive constant compute the the average velocity of the rocket between t=4.5s and 5.5s at t=5.0s if x(t)=0 and b=3.0m/s^3, compare this average velocity and instaneous velocity at t=5.0s

You cannot compute the velocity from the acceleration information alone. There has to be information provided on the initial velocity or the velocity at some specific time.

The statement x(t)=0 does not make sense. It means x is always zero. At what time is x = 0?

If V(0)=0, you can look up the answer for:
The equations and data are the same.

The average velocity can be done by taking the difference in distance travelled between t=4.5 and t=5.5 and divide by Δt.

You can compare the results with the average with the actual velocity V(5).

To compute the average velocity of the rocket between t=4.5s and 5.5s, we can use the formula:

Average Velocity = (Change in Position) / (Change in Time)

Since the position function x(t) is not given explicitly, we can find it by integrating the acceleration function a(t):

a(t) = b*t

To integrate a(t), we need to find the antiderivative or integral of b*t with respect to t:

∫ a(t) dt = ∫ b*t dt
∫ a(t) dt = (1/2)*b*t^2 + C

Where C is the constant of integration.

Given that x(t) = 0 at t = 5.0s, we can find the value of C:

x(5.0) = (1/2)*b*(5.0)^2 + C
0 = (1/2)*(3.0)*(25.0) + C
0 = 37.5 + C
C = -37.5

So the position function x(t) becomes:

x(t) = (1/2)*b*t^2 - 37.5

To find the change in position between t = 4.5s and 5.5s:

Change in Position = x(5.5) - x(4.5)

Using the position function x(t):

Change in Position = [(1/2)*b*(5.5)^2 - 37.5] - [(1/2)*b*(4.5)^2 - 37.5]

Simplifying this expression will give us the change in position.

Once we have the change in position, we can divide it by the change in time (1s) to find the average velocity.

As for the instantaneous velocity at t = 5.0s, we need to take the derivative of the position function x(t) with respect to t:

v(t) = dx(t)/dt

Differentiating the position function:

v(t) = d/dt [(1/2)*b*t^2 - 37.5]

Simplifying this expression will give us the instantaneous velocity at t = 5.0s.

After calculating both the average velocity and instantaneous velocity at t = 5.0s, we can compare the results.