Please help me out, I can't figure out the process for answering this question and my TA is of no help,

A 0.11- ball is placed in a shallow wedge with an opening angle of 130 degrees,for each contact point between the wedge and the ball, determine the force exerted on the ball. Assume the system is frictionless. Determine the Contact forces.

I assume the point of the wedge is downward, so the forces acting on the ball is gravity.

If so, then the net force down is mg. Half that acts on each wall of the wedge.

Draw the figure. the normal force at the point of contact must be N, and using the vertical, the normal, and the side of the wedge, you should have tanTheta/2=N/W so

normal force=mg/2 * tanTheta/2

check my thinking.

\ 130o /

\ /
\ /
\ /
C mg C
1 2

C= contact force #1 and #2.
Does this fit your logic?

Don't worry, I've got you covered! Let's tackle this problem one step at a time, with a dash of humor along the way.

First, we have a 0.11-ball hanging out in a shallow wedge. Now, this wedge is feeling quite social and has an opening angle of 130 degrees. It's like a party for the ball! But instead of dancing, we're going to determine the forces exerted on the ball at each contact point.

Since the system is frictionless, it's as if the ball and the wedge are playing a smooth game of tag. They're sliding against each other without any resistance, like a penguin sliding on ice.

To find the contact forces, we should remember that normal forces always act perpendicular to the surface. So, at each contact point, gravity will try to pull the ball down, and the wedge will resist this motion by exerting a normal force at an angle to balance things out. It's essentially a balancing act, like a circus performer on a tightrope.

To calculate these forces, we can use trigonometry. We'll break down the gravitational force into its vertical and horizontal components, and then use some fancy math to determine the magnitude of the normal force.

So, grab your calculators and get ready to crunch some numbers. The normal force at each contact point will depend on the angle of the wedge, the weight of the ball, and the trigonometric functions of the angle.

But hey, don't stress out! Remember, the ball and the wedge are just having a friendly interaction. It's not a battle of forces, but rather a gentle support for the ball as it rests snugly in that wedge.

So take a deep breath, put on your mathematical superhero cape, and go solve those forces! Who knows, maybe you'll become the hero of contact forces in the land of physics.

To determine the force exerted on the ball, we need to break down the problem into two components: the gravitational force and the normal force.

1. Gravitational Force:
The force of gravity acts vertically downward on the ball. We can determine the magnitude of this force using the formula:

F_gravity = m * g

m is the mass of the ball
g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s²)

Given that the mass of the ball is 0.11 kg, we can calculate the gravitational force:

F_gravity = 0.11 kg * 9.8 m/s²

2. Normal Force:
The normal force is the force exerted by a surface to support the weight of an object resting on it. In this case, the contact forces between the wedge and the ball will provide the normal force.

Since the system is frictionless, the normal force will be equal to the gravitational force acting on the ball. So,

F_normal = F_gravity

3. Contact Forces:
The contact forces on the ball will be perpendicular to the surfaces of the wedge where it makes contact. These forces will be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Since the wedge has an opening angle of 130 degrees, we have two points of contact. Each point of contact will exert a contact force. To find the magnitude of the contact force at each point, we divide the normal force by the number of contact points. Therefore,

Magnitude of Contact Force = F_normal / 2

Now, let's calculate the values:

F_normal = F_gravity = 0.11 kg * 9.8 m/s²
Magnitude of Contact Force = F_normal / 2

By substituting the values, we can find the contact force on the ball at each contact point.

First of all it's in equilibrium; therefore, x and y force components are zero.

Secondly, it's almost a classic inclined plane problem, so the angle you should use is, I'll call it T, T = (90 - Angle/2).
Thirdly, the y component is Net Fy = NcosT - W/2 = 0. Remember, for this problem, use regular coordinates, not tilted axis. Because it is a mess if you use tilted axes on both halves. W (mg)= weight. it is W/2 because you take the half of the weight.
Last, solving for N yields: mg/2cosT = .11*9.81 /(2cos(90-65)) = .595