find the value of y so that the line passing through the two points has the given slope: 1. (6,y), (3/2, 9/5), m=2/3

2. (12,y), (-6,9/7), m=-1/6

Let's take the first one. We know that any line can be expressed as

y = mx + c

First we plug in the m given:

y = (2/3)x + c.

Now, we know that the point (3/2, 9/5) is on this line, so we can substitute these values into our equation to find c:

9/5 = (2/3)(3/2) + c
9/5 = 1 + c
c = 4/5

So our line is

y = (2/3)x + 4/5

Knowing that, you should be able to find the y value of the point at x = 6, to find the point (6, y).

And the second one is just like it.

To find the value of y for the first question, we can use the formula for slope:

m = (y₂ - y₁) / (x₂ - x₁)

Using the points (6, y) and (3/2, 9/5), and the given slope m = 2/3, we can plug in the values into the slope formula:

2/3 = (9/5 - y) / (3/2 - 6)

Next, we can simplify the equation:

2/3 = (9/5 - y) / (-9/2)

To get rid of the fractions, we can cross-multiply:

2(-9/2) = 3(9/5 - y)

-9 = 27/5 - 3y

Now, we can solve for y:

-9 - 27/5 = -3y

(-45/5) - (27/5) = -3y

-72/5 = -3y

Divide both sides by -3 to isolate the y variable:

(-72/5) / (-3) = y

24/5 = y

Therefore, the value of y is 24/5 for the line passing through the points (6, y) and (3/2, 9/5) with a slope of 2/3.

For the second question, we can follow a similar process.

Using the points (12, y) and (-6, 9/7), and the given slope m = -1/6, we can plug in the values into the slope formula:

-1/6 = (9/7 - y) / (-6 - 12)

Simplifying the equation:

-1/6 = (9/7 - y) / (-18)


-1(-18) = 6(9/7 - y)

18 = 54/7 - 6y

Now, we can solve for y:

18 - 54/7 = -6y

(126/7 - 54/7) = -6y

(72/7) = -6y

Divide both sides by -6 to isolate the y variable:

(72/7) / (-6) = y

-12/7 = y

Therefore, the value of y is -12/7 for the line passing through the points (12, y) and (-6, 9/7) with a slope of -1/6.

To find the value of y for each line, we can use the slope-intercept form of a linear equation, which is y = mx + b. In this form, m represents the slope of the line, and b represents the y-intercept.

Let's solve the first question:

1. (6, y), (3/2, 9/5), m = 2/3

To find the value of y, we can substitute the values of one of the points, along with the given slope, into the slope-intercept form equation and solve for y.

Using the point (6, y):

y = mx + b
y = (2/3)(6) + b
y = 4 + b

Now, we can use the other point (3/2, 9/5) to find the y-intercept, b.

9/5 = (2/3)(3/2) + b
9/5 = 1 + b
b = 9/5 - 1
b = 9/5 - 5/5
b = 4/5

Now that we've found the value of b, we can substitute it back into the equation:

y = mx + b
y = (2/3)(6) + 4/5
y = 12/3 + 4/5
y = 4 + 4/5
y = 24/5 + 4/5
y = 28/5
y = 5.6

Therefore, the value of y for the line passing through the points (6, y) and (3/2, 9/5) with a given slope of 2/3 is y = 5.6.

Now, let's solve the second question:

2. (12, y), (-6, 9/7), m = -1/6

Following the same steps as before, let's use the point (12, y):

y = mx + b
y = (-1/6)(12) + b
y = -2 + b

Using the other point (-6, 9/7) to find the y-intercept, b:

9/7 = (-1/6)(-6) + b
9/7 = 1 + b
b = 9/7 - 7/7
b = 2/7

Substituting the value of b back into the equation:

y = mx + b
y = (-1/6)(12) + 2/7
y = -2 + 2/7
y = -14/7 + 2/7
y = -12/7
y = -1.714

Therefore, the value of y for the line passing through the points (12, y) and (-6, 9/7) with a given slope of -1/6 is y = -1.714.