This is just a quick question.

I need to use the distributive property to write an equivalent variable expression.
the problem is 8(x+6).
would 14/x be a valid answer?
and also if possible, could someone explain how this works?

I think the answer would be x=-6


An equivalent expression for 8(x+6) is 8x+48.

An example of the distributive property:

3 * (1 + 2) = (3 * 1) + (3 * 2)

x * (a + b) = (x * a) + (x * b)

or x(a+b) = xa + xb

Where the operators are like this, you multiply the figure outside the brackets into each of the symbols intide the brackets separately.

You can also use it for quick mental arithmetic, like:

5 * 27 = (5 * 20) + (5 * 7) = 100 + 35

If I had 7(x+3), I could say that was 7x + 21.

What you have is

8 * (x + 6)

and you should be able to see the answer now, I hope.


This is the easiest probelm i have ever seen! !!! The answer for x is 6. This simple multipication !!!


Which expression is equivalent to the given expression?
