What are consecutive numbers? I don't get this question, "Is it possible that 3 consecutive numbers can be prime factors?

They are numbers that follow each other. "5, 6, 7, 8..." are consecutive numbers. They are numbers that have a sequence.

consective numbers are numbers in order, such as 6,7,8 or 11,12,13

So the question is can all three be prime? My question is to you will one of them be even? The only even number that is prime is 2.

consecutive numbers are one value apart

e.g. 5 6 7 or 123 124 125

if we let the first be x
then the second is x+1
and the third is x+2

their sum = x + x+1 + x+2 = 3x +3
= 3(x+1
which means that the sum of any 3 consecutive numbers is always divisible by 3,since 3 is a factor.

So the sum can never be a prime number.

Consecutive numbers refer to numbers that follow each other in sequence, with a difference of 1 between them. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on are consecutive numbers.

Now, let's address the question "Is it possible that 3 consecutive numbers can be prime factors?" To answer this, we need to understand what prime factors are. Prime factors are the prime numbers that divide a given number exactly without leaving a remainder.

In the case of consecutive numbers, if we take any three consecutive numbers, there is a high chance that at least one of them will be divisible by 2, which means it can't be a prime number. This is because every second number in a consecutive sequence is even, and 2 is the only even prime number. However, it is still possible for there to be a case where three consecutive numbers can all be prime factors if the first number is 2.

For example, taking the consecutive numbers 2, 3, and 4, we can see that 2 and 3 are prime factors, but 4 is not, as it is divisible by 2.

In general, if we take any set of three consecutive numbers, it is highly unlikely for all of them to be prime factors. However, it is always worth calculating by substituting specific values to be sure.