DEfine a variable and write an equality to model each situation.

In many states, you must be at least 16 years old to obtain a driver's license.

At least 350 students attended the band concert Friday night.

Driver's license age ≥ 16 years

# students ≥ 350

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To define a variable and write an equality to model each situation, let's break down the two given situations:

1. You must be at least 16 years old to obtain a driver's license:
Let's define a variable, say "age", to represent a person's age. To model the situation, we can write the equality:
age >= 16

This means that the age must be greater than or equal to 16 for someone to obtain a driver's license.

2. At least 350 students attended the band concert Friday night:
Let's define a variable, say "attendees", to represent the number of students who attended the band concert. To model the situation, we can write the equality:
attendees >= 350

This means that the number of attendees must be greater than or equal to 350 for the given situation to be true.

To define a variable and write an equality to model each situation, follow these steps:

1. Identify the situation:
a. In the first situation, the requirement is being at least 16 years old to obtain a driver's license.
b. In the second situation, the information given is about the number of students who attended a band concert.

2. Define the variable:
a. Let's use the variable "a" to represent the age of an individual in the first situation.
b. Let's use the variable "s" to represent the number of students in the second situation.

3. Write the equality:
a. For the first situation, the equality can be written as: a ≥ 16. This means the age "a" should be greater than or equal to 16 for someone to obtain a driver's license.
b. For the second situation, the equality can be written as: s ≥ 350. This means the number of students "s" should be greater than or equal to 350 to represent at least 350 students attending the band concert.

Keep in mind that these equalities represent the minimum requirement for each situation.