DESPITE stephanie's dog's ________appearance, she spent _______________ amount on grooming

i put despite stephanies dogs orderly apperance, she spent an enormous amount on grooming

the answer: despite stephanies dogs disheveled apperance, she spent an inordanant amount on grooming

please explain why this is the answer thanks so much!

The key word is "despite."

It's the same idea as:

Despite studying for the test, Stephanie still failed it.

It's a case of opposites or contrast. You wouldn't spend "an enormous amount" on a dog that looked good. You'd spend it because the dog looked terrible!

disheveled - ?

orderly - ?

Look these up at or

i don't get it

i thought was although the dog was (so already groomed and clean) she still spent a lot of money

why is that wrong?

It is wrong because it must follow the word "despite". Despite means not as a result of, but means instead of.

Despite passing the twelfth grade with honors, she scored the SAT with a grade of 340.

i mean if it was BECAUSE instead of DESPITE... then it would make sense

because it looked horrible, she spent an excessive amount

but since it is despite

although it looked horrible, she spent a lot of money?

that makes no sense to me

Despite passing the twelfth grade with honors, she scored the SAT with a grade of 340

exactly it makes sense. HONORS and 340 are OPPOSITES.

orderly and a lot of money = opposites.
(why would u spend that much money if its orderly)

terrible looking and a lot of money follow nicely together....thus NOT despite

OK,you are at the heart of the critism of the SAT. The "right" answers are based on a majority vote, in reality, there are several logical answers. You just pointed out one, but unfortuantly, the majority did not agree with you on the "right" answer. Dumb down some.

I worked at Princeton one summer on this stuff, it was somewhat reveling to me on what college scores mean. What they mean (sometimes) is that kids have differing views on what a sentence or word (as in analogies) thinks, and sometimes the kid is a great thinker who sees things differently. I don't have any advice for you, except MENSA later on in you life will offer some encouragement.

One rule of thumb on these is (believe it or not), when answering these types of sentences, pretend you are reading what TIME magazine would write. That is what I mean by dumbing down.

In the sentence, "Despite Stephanie's dog's ________ appearance, she spent ______________ amount on grooming," you are asked to fill in the blanks to complete the sentence. The first blank requires an adjective describing the dog's appearance, while the second blank requires a word or phrase describing the amount spent on grooming.

Your suggested answer was, "Despite Stephanie's dog's orderly appearance, she spent an enormous amount on grooming." Although this sentence makes sense, it does not accurately convey the idea that Stephanie spent an excessive or impractical amount on grooming. Furthermore, "orderly" typically describes organization and tidiness rather than a description of a dog's physical appearance.

The correct answer is, "Despite Stephanie's dog's disheveled appearance, she spent an inordinate amount on grooming." The adjective "disheveled" means untidy or messy, suggesting that Stephanie's dog had a scruffy or unkempt appearance. The phrase "inordinate amount" means a larger-than-necessary or excessive amount, indicating that Stephanie spent more than would be considered normal or reasonable on grooming. Together, these words accurately convey the idea that despite the dog's untidy appearance, Stephanie still spent an excessive amount on grooming.