What contributions did Egypt made to the world?



They hosted the great Greek thinking centers in Alexandria, which served mankind for two thousand years. Some of the Egyptian culture was adapted by the Greeks (such as in Architecture), however, most was just Greek thinkers. This group of men and their works were absorbed eventually by Rome, which founded western civilization.

Egypt has made numerous contributions to the world throughout its rich history. Some of the notable contributions include:

1. Mathematics: Ancient Egyptians made significant advancements in mathematics, including the development of arithmetic and a decimal numeral system. They also devised practical methods for measuring land, volume, and calculating fractions.

2. Architecture: Egypt is renowned for its awe-inspiring architecture, particularly the construction of colossal structures like the pyramids, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza. These architectural marvels not only showcased the Egyptians' engineering brilliance but also provided insights into their culture and belief systems.

3. Medicine: The ancient Egyptians were pioneers in the field of medicine, developing a comprehensive understanding of human anatomy and practicing surgery. They documented various medical conditions, treatments, and surgical procedures, which served as the foundation for future medical advancements.

4. Writing: Egypt is famous for its hieroglyphic script, one of the earliest known forms of writing. The Egyptians used hieroglyphs as a means of communication and record-keeping, providing invaluable insights into their history, culture, and religion.

5. Art and Literature: Ancient Egyptian art encompassed painting, sculpture, and decorative arts, characterized by intricate details, symmetry, and symbolism. Their literature included religious texts, myths, and historical records, providing a wealth of knowledge about ancient Egyptian society.

To delve deeper into each of these contributions, you can explore the vast resources available in libraries, museums, and online platforms that specialize in ancient Egyptian history, archaeology, and related subjects. Books, scholarly articles, documentaries, and educational websites will provide you with comprehensive information on Egypt's contributions to the world.