how does the poet use the image to promote his point of view in the poem Vulture

Are you referring to Chinua Achebe's poem called "Vultures"?

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There are two poems called "Vulture" -- by different poets.

Which one are you dealing with?

To understand how the poet uses images to promote his point of view in the poem "Vulture," we will need to analyze the imagery and its impact on the overall message of the poem. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this analysis:

1. Read the poem: Start by obtaining a copy of the poem "Vulture" by Chinua Achebe. Read it carefully, paying attention to the specific images the poet uses and their context within the poem.

2. Identify the poet's point of view: Consider the overall message or perspective the poet is trying to convey. In "Vulture," Achebe examines the themes of human nature, violence, and the capacity for redemption. His point of view may be critical, empathetic, or multi-dimensional. Understanding the poet's perspective is essential to grasping how the images contribute to his standpoint.

3. Identify images and their relevance: Look for vivid and striking images used in the poem. Examples of such images in "Vulture" could include descriptions of the vulture itself, its behavior, or its surroundings. Identify these images and note their significance in relation to the poet's viewpoint. Consider what emotions or ideas the images evoke in the reader.

4. Analyze the impact of the images: Examine how the images amplify or reinforce the poet's point of view. Do the images create a sense of sympathy, repulsion, or ambivalence? Consider how they help convey the complexity of human nature or the broader themes addressed in the poem.

5. Find supporting evidence: Locate specific lines or phrases within the poem that connect the images to the poet's point of view. Highlight or jot down these sections to refer to during your analysis.

6. Explain the relationship between the images and the poet's point of view: Based on your examination, provide an explanation of how the chosen images help promote the poet's perspective. Discuss how these images impact the reader's understanding or emotional response to the themes of the poem.

Remember, analyzing poetry requires interpretation and critical thinking. Different readers may have varying viewpoints on how the images contribute to the poet's point of view. Providing evidence and explaining your reasoning will strengthen your analysis.