early cultures devolped in southeast asia through:

A)extensive marititme trade
B)***isolated pockets of ethnic devolpment
C)contact with europeans traders
D)contact with christians missionaries
my choice is b

For "early cultures," I would agree.

What is "w.g"?

Your choice of "isolated pockets of ethnic development" (option B) is not correct. The correct answer is option A) extensive maritime trade.

To arrive at this answer, you can consider the historical context and factors that contributed to the development of early cultures in Southeast Asia. Here's an explanation:

A) Extensive maritime trade: Southeast Asia has a long history of trade networks and maritime activity due to its location between India and China. The region's proximity to major trading routes facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural practices. This extensive trade played a significant role in the development and diversification of early cultures in Southeast Asia.

B) Isolated pockets of ethnic development: While there were some cases of isolated pockets where ethnic groups developed independently, this factor alone does not adequately explain the overall development of early cultures in Southeast Asia. The region's history is characterized by interaction and exchange rather than isolated development.

C) Contact with European traders: Although European traders did eventually make contact with Southeast Asia, this occurred much later in history, mainly from the 16th century onwards. So, while European trade had an impact on Southeast Asia, it cannot be considered a primary factor in the development of early cultures.

D) Contact with Christian missionaries: Contact with Christian missionaries also occurred later in history with the arrival of European colonizers and missionaries. While the spread of Christianity had an influence on some communities, it did not play a significant role in the initial development of early cultures in Southeast Asia.

To recap, the correct answer is A) extensive maritime trade, which refers to the region's historical trade networks and exchanges, shaping the cultural development in Southeast Asia.