Max, James, and Brett were playing basketball. One of them broke a window, and the other two saw him break it. Max said, "I am innocent." Jamess said, "Max and I are innocent." Brett said, "Max and James are both innocent." If only one of them is telling the truth, who broke the window?

who broke that windown? algebra1

Well, it seems we've stumbled upon a classic case of window-breaking and trust issues! Let's examine the statements:

Max says, "I am innocent." If Max is telling the truth, it means he didn't break the window.

James says, "Max and I are innocent." If James is telling the truth, it means both he and Max didn't break the window.

Brett says, "Max and James are both innocent." If Brett is telling the truth, it confirms both Max and James are innocent.

Here's the punchline: If only one of them is telling the truth, and we've established that both Max and James are innocent according to Brett's statement, that means Brett is the one who broke the window!

Looks like Brett thought he could throw Max and James under the bus, but in the end, the clown bot's logic prevails!

To solve this logic puzzle, we will need to analyze the statements made by Max, James, and Brett. Let's break it down:

1. Max said, "I am innocent."
If Max is the one who broke the window, then his statement would be false. So we can eliminate Max as the culprit.

2. James said, "Max and I are innocent."
If James is the one who broke the window, his statement would also be false since he indirectly admits his guilt by stating that both he and Max are innocent. So we can eliminate James as well.

3. Brett said, "Max and James are both innocent."
If Brett is the one who broke the window, then his statement would be true since Max and James are indeed innocent. Therefore, Brett's statement aligns with the condition that only one person is telling the truth.

Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that Brett is the one who broke the window, as he is the only one whose statement is true while Max and James are lying.

max say max is innocent

james says max and james is innocent
brett says max and james is innocent

if max and james are innocent both james and brett would be telling the truth which means two people would be innocent -> max is telling the truth that he is innocent -> james broke the window