I have no idea how to do this problem I thought you would have to do something with the diagonals but not sure...

The parallel sides of a trapezoid are 4 and 10 centimeters long and the oblique sides are 8 and 12 centimeters long. Fi9nd the angles and the area of the trapezoid

There may be simpler ways of doing, but this is what came to mind for me.

In fact, the problem boils down to finding the height h, and the offset of the two parallel sides, k.

Let ABCD be the vertices of the quadrilateral where AB and DC are parallel sides.
AB=4 centimetres, and
DC=10 centimetres.

Drop a perpendicular from A to the long side DC to intersect at E.

Assume for the moment E is between D and C, so that DEC is a straight line.

k=distance DE, and
h=distance between the two parallel sides = length AE

Consider each of the oblique sides as the hypothenuse of a right triangle,
for ADE,
h²+k²=8² ..... (1)
For the side BC,
Subtract (1) from (2)
Meaning that the point E is situated on the extension of the line CD.
Substitute k into (1) gives

Can you take it from here?

To find the angles and area of a trapezoid, we can use the properties of trapezoids and basic geometry formulas. Let's break down the problem step-by-step:

Step 1: Identify the trapezoid
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides. In this case, the parallel sides have lengths of 4 cm and 10 cm, while the oblique sides have lengths of 8 cm and 12 cm.

Step 2: Determine the height of the trapezoid
The height of a trapezoid is the perpendicular distance between the parallel bases. To find the height, you need to consider the right-angled triangles formed by the height, the shorter base (4 cm), and the difference in length between the oblique sides (12 cm - 8 cm = 4 cm). You can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the height.

Step 3: Find the angles
To find the angles of the trapezoid, you need to consider the properties of each type of angle:

- Opposite angles of a trapezoid are congruent.
- Adjacent angles along the same base of a trapezoid are supplementary (their sum is 180 degrees).
- Angles formed by intersecting lines are equal.

Step 4: Calculate the area of the trapezoid
The area of a trapezoid can be found using the formula: Area = (1/2) × (sum of bases) × height. Here, the sum of bases refers to the sum of the lengths of the parallel sides.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the angles and area of the given trapezoid.