1. What percentage of teen parents live in poverty?

Is it 75 percent??

2. How can you get HIV?
Unprotected sex, , oral, l.

3. What are the other methods of transmission of HIV?

Can someone check over my answers and help me with number 3?

Thanks very much.

1. To find the accurate percentage of teen parents living in poverty, you can refer to reputable sources such as government reports, research studies, or reputable organizations working on teen parent issues. These sources often provide statistics on poverty rates among different demographic groups, including teen parents. Once you find a reliable source, look for the relevant data or statistics to determine the actual percentage.

2. You are correct that HIV can be transmitted through unprotected sexual activities, including , oral, and l sex. Other high-risk behaviors that can transmit HIV include sharing contaminated needles or syringes during drug use, receiving a blood transfusion from an infected person (but this is extremely rare nowadays due to blood screening), or from mother to child during childbirth or breastfeeding if the mother is HIV positive.

3. In addition to the methods you mentioned, there are a few other ways HIV can be transmitted, although they are relatively rare:

- Occupational exposure: Healthcare workers or others who come into contact with contaminated blood through accidental needle sticks or exposure to infected bodily fluids can be at risk.
- Blood transfusions or organ transplantation: While highly uncommon now, there was a higher risk of HIV transmission through blood transfusions or organ transplants before proper screening measures were in place.
- Sharing personal care items: Sharing items such as razors or toothbrushes with someone who is HIV positive and has blood on these items can potentially transmit the virus.
- Deep, severe, or untreated wounds: Though it is extremely rare, deep wounds that expose the bloodstream to HIV-infected fluids carry a small risk of transmission.

It's important to note that HIV is not transmitted by casual contact, such as hugging, shaking hands, or sharing food or drinks with an infected individual. It primarily spreads through direct contact with specific bodily fluids like blood, semen, l fluids, and breast milk.