Hi, I recently posted a question about postmodern and modern theories of criticism, and I still don't really understand it. Could someone please explain these two to me? I found some info.. but I still kinda don't understand.

"Postmodernism represents the rejection of the modernist tenets of rational, historical, and scientific thought in favor of self-conscious, ironic, and experimental works. In many of these works, the authors abandon the concept of an ordered universe, linear narratives, and traditional forms to suggest the malleability of truth and question the nature of reality itself, dispensing with the idea of a universal ordering scheme in favor of artifice, temporality and a reliance on irony. "

"Modernist poetry is chiefly known for its dependence on concrete imagery and its rejection of traditional prosody."

So which one of the two reject the tradional way of thinking? Or do both do that..

They both reject traditional ways of thinking.

So what would make the two different? : /

Both postmodernism and modernism reject traditional ways of thinking, but in slightly different ways.

Postmodernism, as stated in the description you provided, rejects the modernist tenets of rational, historical, and scientific thought. It embraces self-consciousness, irony, and experimentation in its works. Postmodernism challenges the idea of a single, objective truth and questions the nature of reality itself. It rejects the concept of an ordered universe, linear narratives, and traditional forms. Instead, it embraces artifice, temporality, and relies on irony.

On the other hand, modernist poetry, as mentioned in the second part of the description you provided, rejects traditional prosody. Prosody refers to the patterns and rhythms of poetic language. Modernist poets broke away from traditional poetic forms, such as rhymed verse and strict meter, and instead focused on concrete imagery. They sought to capture the essence of modern life by using fragmented and disjointed language.

So, while both postmodernism and modernism reject traditional ways of thinking, postmodernism does so by challenging objective truth and conventional narratives, while modernist poetry does so by rejecting traditional prosody and experimenting with language and imagery.

If you want to delve deeper into these concepts and gain a more comprehensive understanding, I would recommend reading works by postmodern theorists and postmodern literature, as well as studying examples of modernist poetry. This will provide you with more concrete examples and insights into these movements' rejection of traditional thinking.