the difference among members of the constitutional convention were settled by

a duels
b compromises
c boycotts
d all of the above

The difference among members of the constitutional convention were settled by compromises.

To arrive at the correct answer, we can eliminate options a, c, and d, as they are not accurate.

a) Duels: Duels were not used to settle differences during the constitutional convention. Duels were personal confrontations between individuals to resolve disputes, typically involving pistols or swords.

c) Boycotts: Boycotts involve refusing to participate or engage with something or someone as a form of protest. While boycotts can be used as a tool for settling disputes in some cases, they were not the primary means used to settle differences during the constitutional convention.

d) All of the above: This option is incorrect because both options a (duels) and c (boycotts) were not employed to settle differences during the constitutional convention.

The correct answer is b) compromises: During the constitutional convention, delegates from different states and backgrounds had differing opinions and interests. To reach a consensus and finalize the drafting of the United States Constitution, compromises were made. Notable examples include the Great Compromise (also known as the Connecticut Compromise), which balanced the interests of larger and smaller states, and the Three-Fifths Compromise, which dealt with the issue of slavery and representation. These compromises were crucial in finding common ground and establishing the foundations of the new nation.