Find the product. Estimate to check.

X 04
O.108 How do I estimate to check?

X 9.2
0.644 How do I estimate to check?

X 3.2
2.7136 How do I estimate to check?

Choose the better estimate

22 X 0.6 a.(12) b.(1.2) I chose a

2.3 X 4.8 a.(10) b.(1.0) I chose a

0.82 X 6 a.(0.48) b.(4.8) I chose a

42 X 0.5 a. (20) b. (2.0) I chose a

Thank you
Thank you

For your first problem, what is 12 * 4? Correct your error. Is it supposed to be 4 or .04?

10 * .7

.9 * 3

Your third choice should be b, .8 * 6 is less than 6.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.