This is my introduction...

Gender Myths
Some people wear earrings, others do not. Some people wear nail polish, while others do not. Whatever the case is, there are some people, whether male or female, who dress a certain way, either get mistaken for the wrong gender or the wrong sexual orientation because of their styles of dress. Just because a person wears pants, it does not mean that he or she is a boy. Also, just because a man is dressed in a feminine way, it does not make him a homosexual. Every person has their own unique personality and society should not judge a person by what is on the outside but should let people be who they want to be and accept them for who they are. Throughout history, the world has evolved and so has people. Because society is more open with expressing themselves as they are today, others should have respect and should not judge those who are different just because they do not live up to society’s expectations of what a male or female suppose to be.

I'm having a difficult trying to narrow down my argument and thinking of my thesis. I want to talk about how people shouldn't judge others by what they wear or assume a person's gender identity by their appearance and society should accept someone for who they are. Or shouldn't they have to? Do I have a right to say that society should not judge others and accept people, whether they are or not, for who they are. Am I being to broad or is my argument not enough? I need serious help.

My essay is relating to the story "Appearances" by Carmen Vazquez.

You may be able to post the rest of your introduction now -- after "Gender Myths."

You may also need to type it here.

darn that is so weird that it doesn't post darn it! I'll post a new question.

It seems like you have a clear concept for your essay, focusing on how society shouldn't judge others based on their appearance and should accept individuals for who they truly are. To form a thesis statement, you can start by articulating the main idea of your essay. Here's a suggestion:

Thesis Statement: In "Appearances" by Carmen Vazquez, the author challenges societal norms by advocating for acceptance and non-judgment of others based on their appearance, emphasizing the importance of individual freedom and self-expression.

To further strengthen your thesis and provide a persuasive argument, you can consider the following points:

1. Discuss specific examples from the story "Appearances" that illustrate the consequences of judging others based on their appearance or assuming their gender identity.
2. Analyze the societal expectations and stereotypes related to gender and appearance, showing how they can limit individuals' freedom to express themselves authentically.
3. Highlight the importance of empathy and understanding in creating a more accepting society, emphasizing the negative impact of prejudice and discrimination.
4. Explore the concept of gender identity and the diversity of human expression beyond traditional male and female categorizations, further debunking gender myths.
5. Provide real-life examples or statistics showing the harmful effects of discrimination, such as higher rates of mental health issues or social exclusion, to strengthen your argument for acceptance.

Remember that these are just suggestions, and you can tailor your thesis statement and arguments according to your personal viewpoint and the specific details of the story "Appearances." Good luck with your essay!