whice is a chemmical property?????

1; has a melting point of 22 degre cels

2; has a sweet odor

3;makes bubbles when added to vingar

4; disolves in water

3. Makes bubbles when added to vingar

Agreed, the other three would be classed as physical properties.

Chemical properties describe how a substance interacts or reacts with other substances, indicating its ability to undergo chemical changes. From the given options, the chemical properties are:

1. Has a melting point of 22 degrees Celsius: This statement is describing a physical property rather than a chemical property. Melting point refers to the temperature at which a solid substance changes into a liquid state.

2. Has a sweet odor: Odor is typically a sensory observation and not a definitive chemical property. It may suggest the presence of certain molecules, but it is not a direct indicator of chemical reactivity or behavior.

3. Makes bubbles when added to vinegar: This is an example of a chemical property. When a substance reacts with another substance (in this case vinegar), and it produces bubbles, it suggests the release of a gas. This indicates that a chemical reaction is taking place.

4. Dissolves in water: This statement also describes a chemical property. It indicates the ability of a substance to mix uniformly with water at the molecular level, forming a homogeneous solution. This property is important in understanding the solubility and compatibility of substances.

Therefore, options 3 ("makes bubbles when added to vinegar") and 4 ("dissolves in water") are examples of chemical properties.