I have some other adjecifs as extras.

I will put masc.pl 1st, then fem.S, then fem pl.

mauvaeux, mauvause, mauvauses

Mathmate, I kind of struggled on some of these, can you please correct me. Thanks.

M.Pl. F.Sing. F.Pl.

canadien: see italien
frais: look up a French-French dictionary
long: look up a French-French dictionary
petits,petite,petites OK
grands,grande,grandes OK
nouveau:look up a French-French dictionary
mauvais: look up a French-French dictionary

Here they are. Good night!


There are some general rules for adjectives in French.

1. The feminine singular of adjectives is regularly formed by adding -e to the masculine singular. If that form already ends in a mute -e, the feminine form is the same: faible, faible.

2. The feminine of adj ectives ending in -x, -f, and -er is formed by changing -x to -se, -f = to -ve, and -er to -ère: curieux, curieuse; neuf, neuve:premier, première

3. The plural is regularly formed by adding -s to the singular. If that form al ready ends in -s, or -x, the masculine pplural is thje same: gris, gis; curieux, curieux

4. Most masculine adjectives ending in -al in the singular, end in -aux in the plural: égal, égaux

5. Certain adjectives double the final consonant before adding -e to form the feminine : bas, basse, muet, muette, italien, italienne

6. There are, of course, irregular adjectives. You just memorize those, if you can't dream up a reason!

Sra (aka Mme)

Thank you Mme Sra. This would make life a lot easier for Anna.

Sure, here are the corrections for the adjectives you provided:

quels, qu'elle, quelles (masc.pl, fem.S, fem.pl)
italiens, italienne, italiennes (masc.pl, fem.S, fem.pl)
canadiens, canadienne, canadiennes (masc.pl, fem.S, fem.pl)
premiers, première, premières (masc.pl, fem.S, fem.pl)
frais, fraîche, fraîches (masc.pl, fem.S, fem.pl)
longs, longue, longues (masc.pl, fem.S, fem.pl)
petits, petite, petites (masc.pl, fem.S, fem.pl)
grands, grande, grandes (masc.pl, fem.S, fem.pl)
nouveaux, nouvelle, nouvelles (masc.pl, fem.S, fem.pl)
mauvais, mauvaise, mauvaises (masc.pl, fem.S, fem.pl)

In general, when forming adjectives in French, the following patterns are used:

- For masculine plural (masc.pl): no change from the masculine singular form;
- For feminine singular (fem.S): add an "e" to the masculine singular form;
- For feminine plural (fem.pl): add an "es" to the masculine singular form.

It's important to note that some adjectives have irregular forms, like "mauvais" for instance, which changes to "mauvaise" in the feminine singular form.

To get the correct forms, it's always a good idea to consult a French grammar resource or use online tools specifically designed for French adjective conjugation.