Over the past two weeks, Jane earned $292 and $193 respectively, at her part time job. What must

she earn in the third week to bring her three-week average earnings to $200 per week?

You must earn $115

$292 +193 + 115=600

$600 divided by 3= 200

Oh Ok, I understand the question now.

Thanks a lot!

during The last winter carnival the local college students built a 30-feet snowman out of 100 tons of snow. how much snow will be needed to build a 36-foot snowman this year?

To find out how much Jane must earn in the third week to bring her three-week average earnings to $200 per week, we need to consider her earnings over the past two weeks.

First, let's calculate Jane's total earnings from the past two weeks:
Earnings in the first week: $292
Earnings in the second week: $193

To find the average, we need to calculate the total earnings over the two weeks and divide by 2:
Total earnings = $292 + $193 = $485

Average earnings over the two weeks: $485 / 2 = $242.50

Now, we know that Jane wants her three-week average earnings to be $200 per week. To find out how much she must earn in the third week, we can set up an equation:

(242.50 (average earnings over two weeks) + X (earnings in the third week)) / 3 (number of weeks) = $200

Simplifying the equation:

242.50 + X / 3 = 200


242.50 + X = 600

Subtracting 242.50 from both sides of the equation:

X = 600 - 242.50

X = $357.50

Therefore, Jane must earn $357.50 in the third week to bring her three-week average earnings to $200 per week.