How many valence electrons are there in BrF3?

Br has 7

Each F has 7.

To determine the number of valence electrons in BrF3, we need to look at the electron configuration of each element in the molecule.

1. Bromine (Br) is in Group 7A of the periodic table, so it has 7 valence electrons.

2. Fluorine (F) is in Group 7A of the periodic table as well, so it also has 7 valence electrons.

3. There are three fluorine atoms in BrF3, so the total number of valence electrons from fluorine is 3 × 7 = 21.

4. Finally, we need to add the valence electrons from bromine to the total. Bromine is the central atom in BrF3 and is bonded to three fluorine atoms. Each bond uses two electrons, so the total number of valence electrons from bromine is 2 × 3 = 6.

5. Adding the valence electrons from bromine and fluorine, we get 21 + 6 = 27 valence electrons in BrF3.

Therefore, there are 27 valence electrons in BrF3.