17. Eastern Europe's cultural diversity is best characterized by many different

a. political systems present in the region
b. languages spoken throughout the region
c. styles of clothing worn in the different countries
d. economic activities practiced throughout the region
I think it might be A or C


Alright, thanks bob


The cultural diversity of Eastern Europe is best characterized by many different languages spoken throughout the region. The languages spoken in Eastern Europe vary greatly, including but not limited to Slavic, Baltic, and Uralic languages. Therefore, the correct answer is b. languages spoken throughout the region.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the question and the options provided. The question asks about Eastern Europe's cultural diversity, so we need to look for an option that best reflects this characteristic.

Option a. Political systems present in the region: While political systems can vary across countries, they are not necessarily the best indicator of cultural diversity because political systems may change over time and can be influenced by external factors. Therefore, option a is unlikely the best answer.

Option b. Languages spoken throughout the region: Language is an important aspect of culture and can significantly contribute to cultural diversity. Eastern Europe is known for its linguistic diversity, with several different language families represented in the region. Therefore, option b is a viable candidate for the correct answer.

Option c. Styles of clothing worn in the different countries: Clothing styles can indeed be a part of cultural identity, and variations in clothing across countries can reflect cultural diversity. However, it might not be the most accurate characterization of Eastern Europe's cultural diversity. While it can be a factor, it may not fully capture the complexity of the region.

Option d. Economic activities practiced throughout the region: Economic activities can vary across countries due to differences in resources, industries, and economic systems. While they can contribute to specific cultural practices, they might not be the best overall characterization of cultural diversity.

Considering the options and the factors discussed, option b, "languages spoken throughout the region," appears to be the best answer for characterizing Eastern Europe's cultural diversity.

Hmmmm. I don't agree, but think b is a better answer. Eastern Europe mainly has now similar political systems, clothing is very much the same (climate differences considered).