the unchanged ''standard'' against which the effects of changed or unknown factors can be measured

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The unchanged "standard" against which the effects of changed or unknown factors can be measured is often referred to as the control group or the baseline. A control group is a group in an experiment or study that does not receive the experimental treatment or intervention being tested. By keeping this group unchanged, it serves as a reference point to compare the outcomes of the experimental group, which experiences the changed or unknown factors.

The control group provides a basis for determining the impact of the variables being tested, as any differences observed between the control group and the experimental group can be attributed to the changed or unknown factors. It helps researchers assess the significance of the effects and to make valid conclusions about the relationship between the variables under investigation.

The unchanged "standard" against which the effects of changed or unknown factors can be measured is called the control. The control serves as a baseline or reference point in scientific experiments to compare and evaluate the effects of variables or conditions that are intentionally altered.

To establish a control in an experiment, you must set up two or more groups that are identical in every way except for the factor being tested. One group will be the control group, which remains unchanged and represents the standard or normal condition. The other group(s) are the experimental group(s), where specific changes or unknown factors are applied.

By comparing the results of the control group with those of the experimental group(s), you can determine the impact of the altered factors. Any differences between the control and experimental groups can then be attributed to the effects of the changed or unknown variables.

It's important to note that controls are not always used in every experiment, and their necessity depends on the nature of the study and the specific research question being investigated. However, controlling variables and having a baseline measurement is generally considered good scientific practice as it helps ensure accurate and reliable results.