3 h 20 min

4 h 25 min
+ 5 h 35 min=13 hrs 20 min

9 lb 15 oz
- 5 lb 8 oz=4 lbs 7 oz

Mark uses 1 pt 9 fl oz and then 2 pt 10 fl oz from a container of film
developer that holds 3 qt. How much of the developer remains?=1 pt 13 oz

All correct, well done!

To solve the given arithmetic problems, we can perform the addition, subtraction, or comparison operation directly.

1. For the addition operation:
- Add the hours, minutes, and seconds separately.
- Carry over the extra minutes or seconds to the next placeholder if needed.
- Combine the results to get the sum.

Example calculation:
3 h 20 min
+ 4 h 25 min
+ 5 h 35 min
= 13 h 20 min

2. For the subtraction operation:
- Subtract the hours, minutes, and seconds separately.
- Borrow from the next placeholder if needed.
- Combine the results to get the difference.

Example calculation:
9 lb 15 oz
- 5 lb 8 oz
= 4 lb 7 oz

3. For the comparison operation:
Compare the given quantities and determine the remaining amount by subtracting used quantity from the total quantity.

Example calculation:
Mark uses 1 pt 9 fl oz and then 2 pt 10 fl oz from a container of film developer that holds 3 qt.
To find out how much developer remains:
- Convert all quantities to a common unit, such as fluid ounces.
1 pt 9 fl oz = (1 * 16 fl oz) + 9 fl oz = 25 fl oz
2 pt 10 fl oz = (2 * 16 fl oz) + 10 fl oz = 42 fl oz
3 qt = (3 * 32 fl oz) = 96 fl oz
- Subtract the used quantities from the total quantity:
96 fl oz - 25 fl oz - 42 fl oz = 29 fl oz
Therefore, 1 pt 13 oz of the developer remains.

These calculations can be performed manually, or by using a calculator or a computer program.